NATUROPATHY - Natural Health

I help you to keep or to refund a good state of health with natural ways.

A naturopath consider the persons in their totality and help them to have a healthy body and to regenerate naturally by themselves. With these advices, you will go to a better state of health.


The naturopathy uses only natural technics and permit to each one to change their life habits with an adapted nutrition, a bit of activity and some ways to balance the organic failures. The advices are allways individualized.


Office consultations : 12 rue du point du Jour - 56490 La Trinité-Porhoët
Morbihan - Brittany - France
Videoconference consultations


- Naturopathic consultations only with appointment

                1st consultation : 1h30 iridologic test + advices                 70€
                next consultations : 1h                                                        60€
- Wellness care (massages, reflexology) : 1h30                                 50€

- Emotional care : 1h (frequency of sessions to be fixed together)     40€



Make an appointment here or phone : 06 67 37 06 11